  • Executive MBA: Accounting, Management Control Akademia Konsultantów: Propozycja, wdrożenie i dostarczenie rozwiązania

    Professional experience: Bartłomiej Nita is a professor at the Wroclaw University of Economics, holds a postdoctoral degree in economic sciences, and serves as the Head of the Department of Accounting,

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  • Audit & Assurance

    Professional experience: Waldemar Majek is a member of ACCA and holds the CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) title. He was the vice-chairman and member of the Executive Committee of ACCA Polska

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  • Financial Accounting, IFRS

    Professional experience: Dariusz Bargieł FCCA has been a member of the ACCA organization since 1999. In 1996-2000 he worked in the audit department at Deloitte & Touche. He has been

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  • Taxation

      Professional experience: Grzegorz Ziółkowski, member of ACCA, is an experienced financial manager and tax generalist. In the years 2003-2007, he was involved in a number of mergers, acquisitions and

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Language of instruction: Polish/English

Number of instruction hours: 256 h
(two semesters)

Course start: 23 October 2024

Class hours:
Saturday: 9:00 a.m.– 4:15 p.m.
Sunday: 09:00 – 4:15 p.m.

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contact- ikonka

tel. 22 234 70 82

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