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30th Anniversary of the WUTBS
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School’s mission
HEC Paris
London Business School
Norwegian School of Economics
Warsaw University of Technology
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MBA and postgraduate studies
Executive MBA
MBA Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation
MBA Artificial Intelligence, Finance and Technology
MBA Kaizen Industry 4.0
MBA Cybersecurity Management
MBA Smart City
Total Design Management
ACCA Postgraduate Studies in Accounting & Finance
Strategic Finance & Accounting preparing for ACCA Professional Level Exams
Interdisciplinary Studies in Pharmaceutical Management
Renewables in Business
Career Advisory
Supervisory Boards for Leaders
Studies and courses
Academy of Leadership Psychology
IT Leader
Training in Pharmacoeconomics
ESG Management
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F@F guest list
F@F guest list
So far, WUT Business School has hosted at Friday@Five:
prof. Marek Belka
(President of National Bank of Poland),
Jan Krzysztof Bielecki
(President of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister),
Henryka Bochniarz
(President, Polish Confederation of Private Employers),
Igor Chalupec
(Prezes PKN Orlen)
Peter Driscoll
(President, PricewaterhouseCoopers),
Bruno Duthoit
(Member of the Board, TPSA ),
Maciej Formanowicz
Marek Goliszewski
(Prezes, Business Center Club),
Mariusz Grendowicz
(Prezes, Bre Bank SA)
Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz
(Vice-President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development),
Aleksander Gudzowaty
(Prsident, Bartimpex),
Szymon Hołownia
Danuta Hubner
(EU Commissioner of Regional Policy),
Jan Kluk
(President, ICL Poland),
Paul Knotter
(World Bank),
Marek Król
(Chief Editor, Wprost),
Bogusław Kułakowski
(President of Qualcomm)
Sławomir Lachowski
(President, BRE Bank),
Janusz Lewandowski
(politician, economist)
Krzysztof A. Lis
(President, Polish Institut of Directors),
Jan Maciejewicz
(President, A.T.Kearney),
Prof. James S. Markusen
(University of Colorado)
Paul Meyers
(President, Shell Poland),
Sebastian Mikosz
(Vice-President The Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency),
Jeremi Mordasewicz
(Expert, Poland Confederation of Private Empoyers),
Zbigniew Niemczycki
(President, Curtis Companies; Vice-President, Polish Business Roundtable),
Andrzej Olechowski
(Central Europe Trust Poland),
Jerzy Owsiak
(journalist, social campaigner),
Stanisław Pacuk
(President, Kredyt Bank),
Robert Patterson
(Independent bank adviser and instructor),
Jarosław Pietras
(Vice-President,Office of Committee for European Integration),
Danuta Piontek
(President, Conwention of Entrepreneurs, Sales Specialist and Agricultural Producers),
John Quelch
(Rektor, LBS),
John Quinn
(Adviser, American President.s office),
Roman Rojek
(Vice-Presiden Atlas),
Prof. Dariusz Rosati
(Member of the European Parliament),
Wiesław Rozłucki
(President, Board of Warsaw Stock Exchange, Deputy Minister of Regional Development),
Krzysztof Rybiński
(Vice-president of the National Bank of Poland, Partner of Ernst & Young)
Jacek Santorski
(President of Instytut Psychologii Biznesu Values)
Christopher James Shaw
(Managing Director, Eli Lilly Polska),
Tomasz Sielicki
(President, ComputerLand),
Sławomir Sikora
(CEO, Citibank Handlowy),
Jacek Socha
(Minister of the Exchenquer),
Adam Sopoćko
(President, Office for Competition and Consumer Protection),
Cezary Stypułkowski
(JP Morgan Bank, former PZU President)
Prof. Stefan Szymanski
(Cass Business School)
Jean-Marc Vignolles
(Vice President, PTK Centertel),
Józef Wancer
(President, BPH Bank)
Colin N.J. Wilks
(Chier Financial Officer, Loyds Bank Group),
Maciej Witucki
(Member of the Supervisory Board, Orange; CEO, Work Service)
Zdzisław Wrzesiński
Jacek Żakowski
(Publicist, Politics).
Jan Filip Staniłko
(Director of the Department of Innovation at the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology)
prof. Grzegorz Kołodko
Mariusz Furmanek
(Head of the Risk Management Institute)
gen. Waldemar Skrzypczak
(lieutenant general SZ RP)