Interdisciplinary Studies in Pharmaceutical Management


The Studies are intended for those who are associating their future with the pharmaceutical or medical industry. The aim of education is to acquire knowledge and specific, practical skills as well as to develop personal competencies that will increase job market opportunities. Classes are conducted by well-known academic teachers, connected with medicine and management, representatives of the authorities, as well as experienced practitioners of various specialties from many pharmaceutical companies.

The Interdisciplinary Studies are one-year, part-time postgraduate studies, carried out on the weekends and conducted in Polish.



Admission is open

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Language of instruction: Polish

Number of instruction hours: 208h

Start: 23. November 2024

Class hours:
Saturday: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

>>> view the timetable

contact- ikonka

+48 22 234 70 33

Prof. Marcin Czech - Head of Interdisciplinary Studies in Pharmaceutical Management


  • Prof. dr hab. Marcin Czech

    Professional experience: Marcin Czech is a full professor and head of the Department of Pharmacoeconomics at the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw, President of ISPOR, Poland Chapter, course read more
  • Natalia Łojko

    Professional experience: Natalia Łojko is a legal advisor and director of the legal department of AstraZeneca in Poland. After graduating from the law faculties of the University of Warsaw and the Un read more
  • prof. Piotr Szymański

    Professional experience: Piotr Szymański, MD, PhD, FESC. Chairman of the EU Regulatory Affairs Committee board of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). He represents the ESC in front of read more
  • PhD Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka

    Professional experience: Dean of the Postgraduate Education Center at the Faculty of Economics and Management at Lazarski University. Citizenship: Polish   read more
  • Krzysztof Łanda

    Professional experience: Krzysztof Łanda is a healthcare system expert, physician, and founder of the Refundacyjny Tryb Rozwojowy. He is an author of the original Reimbursable Development Mode proj read more
  • Anna Zawada

    Professional experience: Graduate of the Faculty Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw, with many years of experience in the field of health technology assessment (HTA read more


Do you need more information?
Contact us : (22) 234 70 89