Bartłomiej Nita is a professor at the Wroclaw University of Economics, holds a postdoctoral degree in economic sciences, and serves as the Head of the Department of Accounting, Reporting and Financial Analysis. He also studied finance and accounting at the University of Limerick in Ireland. He specializes in issues related to company finance, accounting, financial analysis, measurement and evaluation of enterprises’ achievements, as well as valuation and management of enterprise value. Prof. Bartłomiej Nita has published over 100 scientific articles and is the author or co-author of several monographs.
Prof. Bartłomiej Nita is not only a scientist but also an excellent practitioner. He cooperates with companies dealing with consulting in the field of accounting, finance, and strategic management. He is also the author of many analyzes and expert opinions for various enterprises and institutions (including business entity valuations and restructuring programs). In practice, he designs controlling, accounting, and financial management systems.
Prof. B. Nita is also a business trainer who presents complex problems in a clear and understandable way with passion and commitment. In order to improve his training competencies, he graduated from the School of Trainers and the School of Tutors-Masters. He is a member of the Accountants Association in Poland, the European Accounting Association, and the Performance Measurement Association.
Prof. Bartłomiej Nita is a laureate of many prestigious awards and distinctions, including the Young Researcher Award – an award for a young researcher demonstrating a significant scientific achievement or participation in a valuable research project. His book “Rachunkowość w zarządzaniu strategicznym przedsiębiorstwem” was awarded the Złote Skrzydła of Gazeta Prawna for the best young authors of specialist books. For the work entitled “Rachunkowość zarządcza we wspomaganiu zarządzania wartością przedsiębiorstwa“, he received an award for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of accounting awarded by the Scientific Council of the Accountants Association in Poland. The book “Sprawozdawczość zarządcza” became the Best Economic Publication at the Economic Publishing Fair.