Commercialisation of scientific research in Poland.

    prof. Witold Orłowski

    The main conclusion derived from Professor Orłowski’s report is the statement that the public expenditures on research and development have reached their limit.

    From now on, this area of market should be financed by private companies. The report emphasizes that it is necessary to introduce changes to Polish scientific institutions and to enfranchise the scientists, i.e., give them the rights to inventions.

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    Value creation in e-Business and Financial Performance

    prof. Sylwia Sysko-Romańczuk
    So far there have been only a few attempts to empirically test the relation between the drivers of value creation and the financial e-business performance with a quantitative approach, though the outcomes were rather inconclusive and context sensitive.

    In 2013 we published the results of our survey study investigating links between modes of value creation and profitability of Polish internet companies. The findings revealed that out of four elements comprising a value creation model, that according to Amit and Zott’s taxonomy (2008) comprise novelty, complementarities, customer lock-in and efficiency, only the complementarities were statistically significant predictors of financial performance. The key objective of the proposed research is to test the link between the adopted value creation model (originally proposed by Amit and Zott, 2001) and the financial performance of e-business companies sampled from a wider set of European countries.