• Strona Glówna
  • Wykład Inspiracyjny Paweł Niziński – Greenwashing, how to communicate your positive involvement without risking the court case | 19.11.2024 godz. 17:00

Wykład Inspiracyjny Paweł Niziński – Greenwashing, how to communicate your positive involvement without risking the court case | 19.11.2024 godz. 17:00

19 listopada o godzinie 17:00 odbył się kolejny wykład inspiracyjny (online) w języku angielskim. Tym razem spotkalismy się z Pawłem Nizińskim – wykładowcą Szkoły Biznesu PW, który poprowadził wykład pt. „Greenwashing, how to communicate your positive involvement without risking the court case“.

Paweł Niziński – Proven business leader in the ESG and sustainability area with strong branding/marketing and communication background. Strategic advisor in the field of sustainability in business, actively involved in numerous fields and activities using business as a force for good. He has 30+ years of experience in the marketing, communication and strategic approach to Sustainability. Paweł is a founder and present CEO of BETTER, which started trading in 2007.


O wykładzie:

The lecture will describe a whole palette of Greenwashing shades and define what Greenwashing is. It will bring an overview of the changes in regulations and trends, will bring into the light why it is so important now, and how the organisations may get prepared for it. Greenwashing accusations appear on the map of risk, but there are ways to build on it a sustainable competitive advantage (SCA). The main shift for business next to the competitiveness is a step from Complience to strategic Impact Management, core of the ESG approach.