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  • Wykład Inspiracyjny Dr Yukti Sharma – Dialectic relation between policy and research in food marketing | 05.12.2024

Wykład Inspiracyjny Dr Yukti Sharma – Dialectic relation between policy and research in food marketing | 05.12.2024

5 grudnia 2024 odbył się kolejny webinar z cyklu Wykłady Inspiracyjne, Dialectic relation between policy and research in food marketing który poprowadziła Dr Yukti Sharma, Associate Professor of Marketing, Goa Institute of Management

O wykładzie:

Despite the global regulatory efforts to encourage healthy(ier) food choices of the consumers, there is an alarming surge in consumption-related health issues e.g., obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. This ‘knowing vs doing’ paradox raises pressing questions: Why do consumers often choose unhealthy(ier) food options despite knowing better? How can research and regulation work effectively to enable consumers ’ healthy(ier) food choices? How can the international food regulatory environment shape food marketing scholarship? This session dives into these critical questions and uncovers fresh insights by mapping the evolutionary trajectory of food marketing scholarship


Dr. Yukti Sharma is an Associate Professor in the Marketing area at the Goa Institute of Management. She undertook a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIM C), building on her doctoral research in 'Marketing at the subsistence marketplace’. Her research interests span Food Marketing, Luxury Brand Marketing, Subsistence Marketplaces, and Developmental Research. Dr. Sharma’s recent scholarly contributions have been featured in leading journals such as the European Journal of Marketing (ABDC- A*), Journal of Consumer Marketing (ABDC- A), Marketing Intelligence & Planning (ABDC- A), Technological Forecasting and Social Change (ABDC- A), Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (ABDC- A), Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (ABDC- B), and Health Marketing Quarterly (ABDC- B). Prior to joining GIM, she taught at the S.P. Jain Institute of Management Research (SPJIMR), the Management Development Institute (MDI), and the University of Delhi. Her teaching interests center around Consumer Behaviour, Retailing, Advertising Management, Marketing Research, Product and Brand Management, and Experimental Research Methods.