„Happiness is an emotion caused by experiences that the subject perceives as positive. In the concept of happiness, psychology produces amusement and contentment.” (Wikipedia)
Happiness for me is, above all, freedom – of thinking, of choices. I lead my steps towards the new. I give freedom to myself and a place to someone else.
Our second meeting. Two reflections, two sexes, two colors. Happiness is a number of two.
An intimate moment of silence and gratitude for a good day, showing a ray of happiness in the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the Mexican capital
Giving others happiness is one of the most important things I want and do in my life. Picture of a tired dog after work as a dog therapist and his happy master. Changing roles gives a moment of great happiness and recognition also to the dog … so little is needed to make someone happy, and we humans so often overlook it …
„Szczęście jest emocją, spowodowaną doświadczeniami ocenianymi przez podmiot jako pozytywne. Psychologia wydziela w pojęciu szczęście rozbawienie i zadowolenie.”(Wikipedia)
Szczęście dla mnie to przede wszystkim wolność – myślenia, wyborów. Kieruję swoje kroki ku nowemu. Daję wolność sobie, a miejsce komuś następnemu.
Nasze drugie spotkanie. Dwa odbicia, dwie płcie, dwa kolory. Szczęście jest dwójką.
Intymna chwila wyciszenia i wdzięczności za dobry dzień, ukazująca promień szczęścia w zgiełku codziennego życia w stolicy Meksyku
Giving others happiness is one of the most important things I want and do in my life. Picture of a tired dog after work as a dog therapist and his happy master. Changing roles gives a moment of great happiness and recognition also to the dog … so little is needed to make someone happy, and we humans so often overlook it …