Archiwa management - Warsaw University of Technology Business School

MBA kiedyś i dziś. Jak zmieniły się prestiżowe studia dla menedżerów?

In the past, the most important things were knowledge of economics, finance and the market. Today, soft skills, team and change management are the key. In the past, these were

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Panika, sceptycyzm, niewiedza i fundamentalny racjonalizm. Jakie postawy wyzwolił w nas lockdown?

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned out to be one of the most serious challenges not only for the health care system around the world, but also for the global economy.

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Kapitalizm interesariuszy

In August 2019, members of U.S. Business Roundtable – the unofficial American business council – announced the position of owners and CEO of nearly 200 companies operating in the USA.

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Digital manager for uncertain times

The lockdown related to the coronavirus pandemic not only paralyzed the labor market and contributed to the economic slowdown, and in the long term even to the economic crisis. The

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Lęki liderów. Co dzięki pandemii wiemy o dobrym i złym przywództwie?

Being aware of employees’ anxiety, “embracing” it, sharing and managing your anxiety, believing that we are in a difficult situation together, listening and explaining, being aware of having incomplete knowledge

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In the digital transformation of business, new technologies are not enough

In the weeks following the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the business has transformed more than in the last 10 years. The restrictions introduced to minimize the risk of infections

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