Maciej Pyznar

Professional experience:

Maciej Pyznar – Director for Strategic Projects in ComCERT SA | volunteer of the Cybersecurity Foundation

Maciej Pyznar has several years of experience in the field of broadly understood security. Before joining ComCERT, he worked for 10 years at the Government Center for Security  – government agency responsible for crisis management and critical infrastructure protection In GCS, he dealt with planning and programming activities in the field of critical infrastructure protection. He is co-responsible for development of the documents related to critical infrastructure, including:

  1. National Critical Infrastructure Protection Program,
  2. Standards and good practices for the protection of critical infrastructure – industrial automation in the oil, gas and power sectors
  3. Critical infrastructure security standards:
    • ensuring personal safety – minimum requirements,
    • ensuring physical security – minimum requirements,
    • ensuring ICT security – minimum requirements.

At ComCERT, he manages the Service Department, which provides services in the field of:

  1. Security Operation Cernter,
  2. cybersecurity processes,
  3. CERT.

For years he has been cooperating with the Cybersecurity Foundation, including taking part in the organization of all editions of the Cyber-EXE PolskaTM exercises. He is not a certificate collector.

