Michał Osiecki, Autor w serwisie Warsaw University of Technology Business School - Page 28 of 122

Panika, sceptycyzm, niewiedza i fundamentalny racjonalizm. Jakie postawy wyzwolił w nas lockdown?

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned out to be one of the most serious challenges not only for the health care system around the world, but also for the global economy.

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Nadchodzi nowa fotowoltaika

Last year was the best year in the history of prosumer solar farms, but 2021 will be completely different. The time has come for big business solar investments, huge farms

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Boom na e-commerce to czas na naukę

The growing popularity of online shopping has forced the development of logistics networks, but also innovation in product delivery. However, this is not the only dimension of the e-commerce phenomenon.

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Kapitalizm interesariuszy

In August 2019, members of U.S. Business Roundtable – the unofficial American business council – announced the position of owners and CEO of nearly 200 companies operating in the USA.

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“102” – Conference & Lectrue Room

Standard facilities include a projector system, screen, whiteboard and flipchart. Internet access, room darkening and a rostrum can be provided. Surface Cinema layout Training layout 34,7 m.kw. – 18  

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Jak wspierać odporność mentalną zespołu?

Almost 70% of employees of large companies after one year of the pandemic believe that they now feel more stress – 10% more than at the beginning of the pandemic. Can

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