Archiwa Webinaria i filmy - Strona 12 z 13 - Szkoła Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej

EMBA Open Day 2019

On 19 March 2019, there was an EMBA Open Day. Prof. Witold Orłowski conducted a lecture, „The Brexit Story: causes, experience, consequences”. >>>watch the video

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What makes our programme unique? Szkoła Biznesu PW

What makes the WUT BS Executive MBA programme unique? Dr Paweł Urbański, School’s Director is answering that question. >>>watch the video

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Yusaf Akbar: What will the students learn about at your classes?

Interview with Yusaf Akbar, WUT BS lecturer. >>>watch the interview

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Business Priorities 2017 – Innovation, Prof. Sylwia Sysko- Romańczuk

Would you like to learn how to set your business priorities for 2017? Sylwia Sysko- Romańczuk is here to give you some tips. >>>watch the video

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Zmiany w systemie ochrony zdrowia, Prof. Marcin Czech WUT Business Shool

Prof. Marcin Czech podzielił się z nami swoją perspektywą na temat zmian w systemie ochrony zdrowia. >>>obejrzyj wypowiedź

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WUTBS webinar – Rational Managers vs Irrational Investors?

We are pleased to invite you to a WUTBS WEBINAR, presented by Dr. Adam Golinski ,University of York.The webinar titled: „Rational Managers vs Irrational Investors? Corporate Finance from the Behavioural

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