• Strona Glówna
  • Wykład inspiracyjny – „Is Europe resilient for the next crisis? An economic perspective“ , prof. Rudy Aernoudt | 27.03.2024, godz. 17:00

Wykład inspiracyjny – „Is Europe resilient for the next crisis? An economic perspective“ , prof. Rudy Aernoudt | 27.03.2024, godz. 17:00

  27 marca o godzinie 17:00 odbył się kolejny wykład inspiracyjny.  Tym razem spotkaliśmy się z prof. Rudy’m Aernoudt – doświadczonym ekspertem w dziedzinie finansów korporacyjnych i polityki europejskiej, który poprowadził wykład: „Is Europe resilient for the next crisis? An economic perspective“

 We find ourselves in a perpetual cycle of crises, transitioning from one challenge to the next – from the financial crisis to COVID-19 to the Ukraine Conflict. In this ever-changing landscape, the importance of economic growth diminishes in comparison to the necessity of resilience. Are European countries adequately equipped with resilience? Does Europe possess a coherent vision for its resilience strategy? And what might be the optimal approach for Europe and its member states? These pressing questions were addressed in our online webinar featuring prof. Rudy Aernoudt.          

Prof.Rudy Aernoudt is an experienced Professor Corporate Finance and European policy and has outstanding International and European experience (MIT, OECD, European Commission, European Council and European Social and Economic Committee). He teaches at Ghent University in Belgium, with a focus on the global economic environment.

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