Prof. Andrea Masini

Doświadczenie zawodowe:

Mgr (Sapienza University of Rome) Doktorat (INSEAD)
Asystent profesora Operations & Technology Management

Specjalizuje się w Management Science and Operations. Działalność Research w Institute of Technology. Członek INFORMS; POMS; różne usługi konsultingowe dla prywatnych korporacji.

Knowledge Integration and the Development of IT Capabilities: Configurations of ERP Adopters in the European and US Manufacturing Sector (London Business School working paper, 2003); Behind ERP: IT-Driven Performance Changes in European and American Firms, (London Business School working paper, 2003); Forecasting the Diffusion of Photovoltaic Systems in Southern Europe: a Learning Curve Approach (with P Frankl) in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, (2002); The Diffusion of Competing Innovations in a Network: Exploration vs. Exploitation Revisited (with M Pich, INSEAD working paper, 2001); Simplified Life-Cycle Analysis of PV Systems in Buildings: Present Situation and Future Trends (with P Frankl) in Progress in Photovoltaics (1998).

