Warsaw University of Technology Business School Press Office

prof. Witold Orłowski

>>> biography

Jacek Santorski

>>> biography

dr inż. Paweł Urbański

Director of the Business School

>>> biography

Dr inż. Grażyna Rembielak, prof. PW

>>> biography

prof. dr hab. Marcin Czech

>>> biography

prof. Bartłomiej Nita

>>> biography

Edward Stanoch

>>> biography

Grzegorz Ziółkowski

>>> biography

Anna Radzikowska

>>> biography

Prof PW, dr hab. Andrzej Wodecki

>>> biography

Usamah Afifi

>>> biography

Michał Pawlik

>>> biography

Dear Editors and Editors, thank you for your interest in our press office. We are happy because your presence here is a testimony to the search for reliable, source-derived information. We appreciate this fact and we hope that if you need even more news about the Warsaw University of Technology Business School, as well as expert comments and analyzes of our distinguished lecturers, contact our press office.

Contact for the media 🙂

Katarzyna Frankowska,
t. +42 307 30 35

Representatives are invited to contact the press office media, in other matters, please contact the school headquarters.