Michał Osiecki, Autor w serwisie Warsaw University of Technology Business School - Page 83 of 122


Anna Malinowska

Graduate’s opinion Anna Malinowska Certificate in Business for Engineers ‘The course provides you with a variety of contact with not only the ones you cooperate with during classes – there

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MBA Digital Transformation online meeting

Are you interested in digital transformation? Invest in your career! Sign up for a webinar of our MBA programme: MBA Digital Transformation – 29.04.2020, 5:00 P.M. >>> sign up

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Siła przetrwania czyli o antykruchości w trudnym czasie. Nie tylko dla firm

How do you react to events difficult to predict? We invite you to a meeting about hrecognizing your reaction pattern and making friends with anti-motion thinking. The online meeting will

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5G i Przemysł 4.0 – czy to transformacja dla polskiego przemysłu?

What is 5G and why is this technology important for digital transformation of the economy and society as a whole? The answer will be given during the online debate, “5G i

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Realizm i wiara lidera – przywództwo w wymagających czasach

On 27 April at 05:00 P.M. there will be held an on-line meeting ‘Realizm i wiara lidera – przywództwo w wymagających czasach’. The role of attitude, importance of procedures, team morals, resilience and

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MBA Digital Transformation – informational webinar

Do you think about taking up MBA studies to upgrade your professional skills? Are you interested in business management including the use of technologies? Join the webinar to find out more about

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