Michał Osiecki, Autor w serwisie Warsaw University of Technology Business School - Page 82 of 122

MIT: Nowe początki. Jak skutecznie uruchomić przedsięwzięcie biznesowe?

Would you like to learn how to start an adventure with business and lead to a commercial success? Sign up for the online meeting in Polish,“Nowe początki. Jak skutecznie uruchomić

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Headhunter: przyjaciel czy wróg? Jak efektywnie z nimi pracować

Find out how headhunters work and let them hunt you down! On 27 May, at 5:00 P.M. during another Talent Tree on-line meeting, ‘Headhunter: przyjaciel czy wróg? Jak efektywnie z nimi pracować’ Anna Zadrożna from Career Angels

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Odporność organizacyjna i osobista: jak zadbać o swoją witalność i produktywność w czasach niepewności

A pandemic, whose negative effects we all experience in the social and economic dimension, can also be an impulse for positive change. Learn how to reprogram work and management practices

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Executive MBA informational meeting on-line

Executive MBA recruitment process is still on! Do you want to know more about the newest programme edition? Join us 21 May, at 5:00 P.M. for the Executive MBA on-line meeting conducted in English. Don’t wait

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Paweł Wolanowski

Graduate’s opinion Paweł Wolanowski Certificate in Business for Engineers ‘The CBE programme enables you to get versatile competiencies which are useful in business e.g. negotiation skills, team building and finance

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Marta Krysa

Graduate’s opinion Marta Krysa Certificate in Business for Engineers ‘The CBE programme shows different development paths. The lecturers show how to learn through practice. Thanks to the multicultural environment and

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