Michał Osiecki, Autor w serwisie Warsaw University of Technology Business School - Page 80 of 122

Realizm i wiara lidera – przywództwo w wymagających czasach (in Polish)

On 27 April, there was an on-line debate  ‘Realizm i wiara lidera – przywództwo w wymagających czasach’. The role of attitude, importance of procedures, team morals, resilience and resistance. The webinar was conducted

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Zarządzanie sobą i morale zespołu w trudnych czasach – on-line debate (in Polish)

What does it mean to be a succesful leader during the epidemics? On 30 March, there was on-line debate in Polish ‘Zarządzanie sobą i morale zespołu w trudnych czasach’. Webinar wase conducted in

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Career & Job Search in light of the coronavirus

How to build your career in times of the coronavirus? What about job search? On 8 April, Sandra Bichl from Career Angels shared with us some tips during another Talent Tree meeting, 

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Pandemia COVID-19, jak widzi to sam wirus? (in Polish)

Is a virus a living creature? What purpose does it have? Why does it need us? Answers were given on 15 April, during an on-line meeting with Prof. Marcin Czech,

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Impostor Syndrome – czy zasługuję na sukces?

We’d like to invite you to watch the webinar titled ‘Impostor Syndrome – Do I deserve success?’ featuring Michał Kaźmierski and Jacek Santorski as part of Academy of Leadership Psychology programme.

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Covid-19: Jakie niedoskonałości w systemie zdrowia ujawnił?

Would you like to find out more about the impact of coronavirus on the healtcare system? Join us for the webinaron-line meeting “Covid-19: Jakie niedoskonałości w systemie zdrowia ujawnił?”. Webinar will

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