Michał Osiecki, Autor w serwisie Warsaw University of Technology Business School - Page 78 of 122

Social Cues-Customer Bahaviour: The Mediatating Role of Emotions and Cognition

dr inż. Grażyna Rembielak, Nawras M. Nusairat, Abdel Hakim O. Akhorshaideh, Tahir Rashid, Sunil Sahadev >> download the article

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Leadership Shift in the Shadow of Coronavirus

The epidemic has brought unprecedented challenges and ensuing changes into companies worldwide. Often executives are in trouble to navigate in the new situation. Watch the on-line meeting ‘Leadership Shift in the Shadow

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Covid-19: Jakie niedoskonałości w systemie zdrowia ujawnił?

The on-line meeting “Covid-19: Jakie niedoskonałości w systemie zdrowia ujawnił?” was held on 10 June.  During the meeting there was discussed the impact of coronavirus on the healthcare system.  The webinar was hosted

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Czym się różnią rozmowy kwalifikacyjne online & offline?

What’s the difference between Skype interviews and a face-to-face meeting with interviewers. On 22 April,  Anna Zadrożna from Careel Angels determined the differences and also shared some tips for candidates during Talent Tree on-line

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