Warsaw University of Technology Business School Press Office

„Executive MBA is for Women”. Webinar o kobietach na stanowiskach zarządczych w biznesie i studiach EMBA

On Thursday, September 16th, there will be a meeting titled “Executive MBA is for Women,” dedicated to Executive MBA studies at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School and the

Nowy lider w czasie i po pandemii

During the pandemic, the role of a leader has evolved significantly. Leaders have had to adapt quickly to remote work environments, manage teams virtually, and navigate through uncertain and rapidly

MBA kiedyś i dziś. Jak zmieniły się prestiżowe studia dla menedżerów?

In the past, the most important things were knowledge of economics, finance and the market. Today, soft skills, team and change management are the key. In the past, these were

The Warsaw University of Technology Business School focuses on AI in business

The interest in artificial intelligence is not weakening, and the forecasts leave no doubt – the best years are ahead of the global and domestic AI market. It is also

Digital manager for uncertain times

The lockdown related to the coronavirus pandemic not only paralyzed the labor market and contributed to the economic slowdown, and in the long term even to the economic crisis. The

W niepewnych czasach zainwestuj w siebie

The economic freeze and the coronavirus pandemic have made society ask itself questions about the broadly understood future. Will the economic reality that we find after the epidemic is brought

Szkoła Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej dołącza do AACSB

The Warsaw University of Technology Business School has become a member of AACSB, an elite organization that brings together the best business schools in the field of management, business and

Na „onlajnie” też jest fajnie

Online is also fun – at least for some students. According to the research of the Warsaw University of Technology Business School, students and management are divided as to the

Wrzesień czasem decyzji. Szkoła Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej otwiera się na studentów… online

The beginning of September is the time to return to school, but also the last moments to make difficult decisions related to the choice of the educational pathway at university.


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Contact for the media 🙂

Mariusz Jaroń,
t. 794 490 680, +42 307 30 35

Katarzyna Frankowska,
t. +42 307 30 35

Representatives are invited to contact the press office media, in other matters, please contact the school headquarters.