Archiwa News - Page 13 of 18 - Warsaw University of Technology Business School

Career Angels and Talent Tree cooperation

We are pleased to announce that Career Angels, which provides specialist services in the field of career counseling and is led by Sandra Bichl – a coach with many years of experience and

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Salford Business School Manchester is the new partner of WUT Business School!

We are honoured  to inform that on March we established a cooperation with  Salford Business School in Manchester. It was also chosen the new strategic partner of WUT Business School.  

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EPAS accreditation granted!

It is with real joy and satisfaction that we inform you that the Warsaw University of Technology Business School has completed the EPAS re-accreditation process. The European Foundation for Management

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New programmes have just started!

New programmes – Postgraduate Studies in Accounting & Finance and MBA WCM. The first classes of Postgraduate Studies in Accounting & Finance:   The first classes of MBA WCM:        

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EPAS re-acreditation awarded!

We are delighted to announce that WUT Business School has successfully concluded the reaccreditation process. The prestigious European Foundation for Management Development recently awarded EPAS accreditation for next 3 years to MBA programme at

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HEC – Executive Short Programs

HEC Paris, one of our founder schools, has created high quality Executive Short Programs. For students and alumni WUT Business School offers 20% discount. >>>  more information If you are interested,

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