

Executive MBA


In response to modern business world expectations, Warsaw University of Technology Business School has transformed a traditional structure of managerial programmes into an innovative THREE PILLARS approach that aspires to shape advanced leaders.

All programmes offered by WUT Business School are based on those three pillars: Knowledge for Business, Business in Action, and Personal Development: Transformation Labs. These result in a responsible, effective, and competent leader, capable of facing modern world challenges.



• Study visits  New York City 6-day long study trip. As part of the programme, students attend a business seminar at The City University of New York, Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business, one of the School’s new partner universities, and/or a study visit to Wrocław, Center for Simulation of Business Process, Wrocław University of Economics.
>>> more information

A wide selection of specialised modules – choice of 20+ specialised modules in Warsaw and at the School’s international partner universities
>>> more information

Flexible study program – Students can obtain an MBA Diploma after just 3 semesters of study! For those interested, there is also the possibility to continue their studies and gain even more knowledge through additional specialized courses in the 4th semester.

Brand Pro – International certificate in the area of marketing




Pillar I: Knowledge for Business

It is a set of standard areas of knowledge and skills necessary for versatile managers aspiring to become fully-fledged leaders one day.  Knowledge for business covers, among others, economics, finance, accounting, marketing, operations management and legal aspects of business activity, strategy, management control and information systems, and human resources management.


Core Course Executive MBA


1. Opening Lecture & Information Meeting
2. Team building – full-day workshop & networking
3. Knowledge Resources on the Web (ONLINE MODULE)



1. Macroeconomics
2. Microeconomics



1. Marketing Management
2. Digital & Social Media Marketing
3. BrandPro simulation game
4. Sales & Negotiations



1. Human Resources Management and Talent Development
2. Organisational Behaviour
3. Change Management



1. Accounting for Executives
2. Financial Statements for Executives
3. Corporate Financial Decisions and Risk Management
4. Understanding Private Equity
5. Compliance Management



1. Operations Management
2. Business Information Systems & Business Analytics
3. Enterpreneurial & Innovation Management
4. Digital Product Design



1. Strategic Management
2. Strategic Communications
3. Strategy Execution



Business Ethics
Social Impact Lab

Our world is facing problems of utmost urgency and unprecedented scale that can no longer be solved at the symptoms levels. In order to reach the core of the issues, we need to work on deeper levels of our creativity and strengthen our connection with the emerging future. “The Theory U” of the MIT Presencing Institute gives a unique method and framework for this type of deep social change process. It has attracted over 100000 people in 185 countries and you will have a unique opportunity to learn its principles and to apply them in real life. The cases will be brought to you by renowned non-profit organizations and you, together with your team, will be requested to provide a solution to their problem and have your chance to make a real change in the world. 


Social Impact Lab Project

The project is based on the unique method and framework “Theory U” of the MIT Presencing Institute the cases will be brought to you by renowned non-profit organizations you, together with your team, will be providing a solution to their problem and therefore you will have your chance to make a real change in the world. The ‘Theory U’ attracted over 100 000 people in 185 countries and you will have a unique opportunity to learn its principles

What do you gain? Chance to experience first-hand how design can help solve some really big problems. The combination of lab workshops and team activities will provide participants the chance to practice and apply social impact design while making a difference in their local community.


Specialized Courses


By choosing a set of Specialized Courses, students can get more concentrated expertise in industries, functions, and ideas that interest them most. Students are obliged to complete at least three facultative courses from the courses held in Warsaw, Milan, Vilnus, and Innsbruck.

The WUT Business School

  • Project Management & Business Transformation
  • AI in Management
  • Big Data, Company Valuation and Mergers
  • Design Thinking
  • Industry 4.0
  • Cybersecurity Management

Baltic Management Institute

  • Corporate Shared Value
  • Economic, Monetary and Geopolitical Environment
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Business Performance Management
  • Strategic Marketing

POLIMI Graduate School of Management – Politecnico di Milano

  • Digital transformation: Digital business strategy & and Business Model
  • Platform Thinking
  • Design GYM
  • Big data & analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence

Management Center Innsbruck

  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Leadership
  • Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation
  • Strategic Management
  • Innovation & Digital Transformation
  • Global Macroeconomics
  • Managing International Business


Please be informed that the offer may slightly change.

Pillar II: Business in Action

The Business in Action pillar consolidates the knowledge and skills from various areas in the process of solving complex and multidimensional problems. The pillar operates through special workshops and business projects delivered by students. Business in Action is a sort of cutting-edge executive training that trains you in the four roles needed for business: an investor, an entrepreneur, a consultant and a new CEO.

ESG Business Analysis Project

Analysis of ESG issues. The project consists of the analysis of the selected problem and the presentation of the final results.

What do you gain? Development of analytical skills and the ability to present results of analysis convincingly



New Venture / Product Project

Practical exercises on creating innovative business projects – hypothetical establishment and development of new companies, co-created in partnership with the StartSmart CEE – member of MIT J-WEL>>>more

What do you gain? The ability to follow the entrepreneurial process – from the concept, through the recognition of a business opportunity with high potential, to the proposal of a business model and the establishment of a new company.


Consultancy Project

Solving real-life problems of existing companies. Students examine the problem, make a fact-finding trip, and deliver a consultancy report for the firm. The exercise has an international dimension.

What do you gain? The ability to define, analyze, and find solutions to real-life, complex business problems.


Pillar III: Personal Development: Transformation Labs

If you’re in the course of preparing a complex development plan of yourself as a manager and/or leader, one thing you should definitely remember is appropriate attention to your interpersonal skills, self-awareness, and self-improvement. Numerous real-life cases prove their crucial role both in establishing and maintaining business relations and in the overall efficiency and well-being of people within their professional environment.

Personal Development: Transformation Labs

This pillar aims to create opportunities for an insight into one’s personal skills and competences of managers and development in terms of the needs arising from the challenges of technological revolution and social change, including cultural and generational diversity. It’s a transformation process combining elements of individualization and teamwork with the use of modern diagnostic and workshop tools.

Personal Development: Transformation Labs is a unique combination of:

– Diagnosis of your personal strengths and areas for effective development of management and leadership skills
– Access to practical techniques and personal development models
– Opportunity to confront the vision of your career with the market reality


The Programme consists of four complementary elements:

1. Get an Insight – you will get an opportunity to diagnose yourself through the Core Leadership Competences 360º assessment and other tests providing insights into your behaviors in various business contexts (i. a.. teamwork, communication, resolving conflicts)

2. Define Your Development Goals – you will get an opportunity to attend individual development sessions, with the support of your personal Coach/Mentor, making critical analysis and preparing your individual development plan.

3. Practice Efficient Interactions with Others – you will participate in a series of practical workshops shaping your skills: cooperation skills, critical thinking, resolving complex problems, engaging and motivating employees, public speeches, and negotiations.

4. Prepare SMART Career Progression Plan – as part of the Talent Tree programme, you will have an opportunity to participate in a General Interview organized by renowned executive search companies which cooperate with the School; the purpose of GE is to give you an insight into how your professional competences are assessed by experienced recruiters in terms of their compatibility with your career objectives.

 Study visits – New York and/or Wrocław

As part of the program, students of the WUT Business School in 2024/2026 have the opportunity to take advantage of study visits to New York and/or Wrocław. The cost of the classes conducted during the visit is included in the course price, while the costs of transport and accommodation have to be additionally covered by the students. It is a unique opportunity to get to know the culture, better understand different business approaches, and make new connections.


Recruitment is CLOSED!


Language of instruction: English

Number of instruction hours:
515h + ~400h
of optional specialised courses

Course start: 11 October 2024

Class hours:
Friday: 6:00 p.m.-9:15 p.m
Saturday: 8:15 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 8:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m

>>> view the timetable

contact- ikonka
+48 22 234 70 89


Do you need more information?
Contact us : (22) 234 70 89