Warsaw University of Technology is the largest and the highest-ranking engineering university in Poland. Warsaw University of Technology was ranked 3rd in the Ranking Uczelni Akademickich 2021 announced by an educational magazine ‘Perspektywy’.
“The WUT Business School was established in 1992 due to a joint initiative of the Warsaw University of Technology and three other internationally–recognised academic institutions: London Business School, HEC Paris, and the Norwegian School of Economics (Bergen). Since then, it has developed its educational offer. The idea underlying the creation of the School was to build a strong centre for executive and managerial education based on the experience and resources of the four founding institutions. Over time, the School has launched many MBA and postgraduate programmes of studies, aimed at meeting the needs of the developing Polish economy and providing graduates with new career opportunities in various fields: management, finances, new technologies, business psychology, or pharmacy.
It has provided managers with a set of practical skills essential for the effective management of a company and its human resources. Special emphasis is placed on understanding and adapting to the fast-changing world, particularly in terms of future technologies, social responsibility, and global civilisation threats, such as the pandemic, the energy and climate crisis and the war. The graduates of the School are well equipped to deal with the challenges of the modern, complex world and ready to compete successfully in the market worldwide.
Thirty years of hard work and fruitful cooperation with the Founders and other academic and corporate partners have resulted in a very dynamic development of the School.”
Here 19th-century tradition encounters the vision of the future information era. Here 30 000 students meet 2500 academics to learn from them technological creativity and universal human values. Their career choices vary from architecture to business and management, from mathematics and computer science to biotechnology and environmental engineering, from applied chemistry to geodesy and transport; but their life goals are common: to meet the challenges of a changing world. Due to the huge investment and restructuring efforts accomplished during the last decade, Warsaw University of Technology is now able to offer not only a rich spectrum of standard ways to engineering careers but also for the most talented youth individual path of accelerated development enabling graduates to reach the most prominent positions in science, technology, and management.
official website: www.pw.edu.pl