What is 5G and why is this technology important for digital transformation of the economy and society as a whole? The answer was given during the online debate, “5G i Przemysł 4.0 – czy to transformacja dla polskiego przemysłu?”. The online meeting in Polish was hosted by Tomasz Haiduk, Marcin Cichy, prof. Mariusz Bednarek and prof. Bogdan Nogalski. Join us on May 12.
Do you want to learn how to increase profits in your enterprise during the pandemic? Watch the video of our online meeting, “Pomoc w zarządzaniu płynnością finansową przedsiębiorstw w czasach kryzysu wywołanego pandemią Covid-19 .” The webinar in Polish was hosted by Michał Pawlik, on May 19.
On 27 April, there was an on-line debate ‘Realizm i wiara lidera – przywództwo w wymagających czasach’. The role of attitude, importance of procedures, team morals, resilience and resistance. The webinar was conducted by Jacek Santorski, Joanna Heidtman and Mariusz Sujka
What does it mean to be a succesful leader during the epidemics? On 30 March, there was on-line debate in Polish ‘Zarządzanie sobą i morale zespołu w trudnych czasach’. Webinar wase conducted in Polish, by real Authorities: Jacek Santorski, Prof Witold Orłowski and Sebastian Burgemejster.
How to build your career in times of the coronavirus? What about job search? On 8 April, Sandra Bichl from Career Angels shared with us some tips during another Talent Tree meeting, ‘Career & Job Search in light of the coronavirus’.
Is a virus a living creature? What purpose does it have? Why does it need us? Answers were given on 15 April, during an on-line meeting with Prof. Marcin Czech, ‘Pandemia COVID-19, jak widzi to sam wirus?’.