Archiwa Wykładowcy EN - Page 31 of 42 - Warsaw University of Technology Business School

Rafał Szczepanik

Professional experience: Coach, co-founder of the Training Projects training company. He conducts trainings in the field of team and project management as well as strategic management. Previously, he co-founded the

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Jarosław Szulski

Professional experience: Project manager of the Academy. Entrepreneur, consultant, teacher and educator. He cooperates with Values – the Advisory Firm Group, where, in cooperation with the Warsaw University of Technology

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Włodzimierz Świątek

Professional experience: Włodzimierz Świątek is a psychologist, business trainer, coach, mentor, consultant, and facilitator. He has 18 years of coaching experience in running coaching and training programs in soft skills.

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Maciej Wiśniewski

Professional experience: A manager by education, a specialist in new technologies, and a coach. By passion and choice, Maciej is a consultant, advisor and expert in change management. Currently, the

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Wacława Wojtala

Professional experience: Wacława Wojtala was the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Health in 2001-2007 – she does not measure her life with the number of breaths, but the

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Anna Zawada

Professional experience: Graduate of the Faculty Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw, with many years of experience in the field of health technology assessment (HTA), related to

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