Archiwa Wykładowcy EN - Page 29 of 42 - Warsaw University of Technology Business School

Paweł Olesiak

Professional experience: Together with Paweł Bernaś they are the only certified European trainers of Samurai Game. Both are coaches and trainers with more than 15 years of experience. At the

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Rafał Pierzchlewicz

Professional experience: Rafał Pierzchlewicz is a lecturer at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School since 2015. He is a business practitioner in finance, operations and sales with international experience

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Bartosz Piotrowski

Professional experience: PESA Bydgoszcz SA (2005-2015) Chief Designer, Head of the Industrial Design Team Product Design Studio – Design Department, University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz Citizenship: Polish

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Agnieszka Polkowska

Professional experience: Agnieszka Polkowska is a designer, design curator, and educator with a doctoral degree in art. She is a co-founder of the design-strategic studio Touching Points. She actively engages

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Ryszard Praszkier

Professional experience: The first representative for Poland, and then the director of training for the international staff of the Ashoka Foundation, conducts research on social entrepreneurs and innovators, a charismatic

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Tomasz Rudkiewicz

  Professional experience: From 1977 to 1980 he was an official responsible for design in the programme of production of market products of the Ministry of Machine Industry. In 1980,

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