Archiwa Wykładowcy EN - Page 24 of 42 - Warsaw University of Technology Business School

Marek Adamczewski

Professional experience: Head of maradDesign, industrial design designer, and lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk at the

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Adam Aduszkiewicz

Professional experience: Doctor of philosophy, ethicist, consultant, coach, long-term HR director. He has an extensive experience and numerous certificates in the eastern martial arts. Citizenship: Polish

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Dariusz Bargieł

Professional experience: Dariusz Bargieł FCCA has been a member of the ACCA organization since 1999. In 1996-2000 he worked in the audit department at Deloitte & Touche. He has been

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Sylwia Bedyńska

Professional experience: For several years Dr Bedyńska has been a lecturer of statistics and the methodology of psychological research. She is interested in the influence of stereotypes about abilities, but

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Paweł Bernaś

Professional experience: Together with Paweł Olesiak they are the only certified European trainers of Samurai Game. Both are coaches and trainers with more than 15 years of experience. At the

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Sławomir Błaszczak

Professional experience: Sławomir Błaszczak is the founder and co-owner of the training and consulting company 4Results. He is responsible for team building and a culture of responsibility for clients. He

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