Archiwa Studium Farmakoekonomiki Wykładowcy EN - Warsaw University of Technology Business School

Krzysztof Łanda

Professional experience: Krzysztof Łanda is a healthcare system expert, physician, and founder of the Refundacyjny Tryb Rozwojowy. He is an author of the original Reimbursable Development Mode project and a

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Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka

Professional experience: Dean of the Postgraduate Education Center at the Faculty of Economics and Management at Lazarski University. Citizenship: Polish  

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Katarzyna Grajda

Professional experience: Katarzyna Grajda joined the Korn Ferry team in Poland in 1997. Over the years, she has had the opportunity to work with both the most renowned local companies

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Agnieszka Zielińska-Krywoniuk

Professional experience: Agnieszka Zielińska-Krywoniuk is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at the University of Warsaw and the American Law Center. She has many years of experience in the

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Gabriela Sujkowska

Professional experience: For over 20 years Gabriela Sujkowska has been professionally associated with the public health care sector. She gained experience in crucial institutions responsible for the shape of the

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Anna Gołębicka

Professional experience: Anna Gołębicka is an economist, communication, and management strategist. She is the author of many ideas and product communication strategies. She is also an advisor to the management

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