Warsaw University of Technology Business School Press Office

Branże inwestujące w robotykę: trendy i transformacje na rynku przemysłowym

Robotics – along with the advancing development of other technologies – is becoming a crucial element for many industrial sectors. Which industries are currently investing most intensively in robotics, how

ESG: nowe szanse dla biznesu i nowy zawód na rynku, czyli nie taki diabeł straszny, jak go malują…

In early January, we celebrated the first anniversary of the implementation of the EU CSRD directive, under which companies are obliged to submit reports on the non-financial aspects of their

Europejski Pakiet Farmaceutyczny – jakie zmiany niosą nowe regulacje?

The European Pharmaceutical Package is a comprehensive set of regulations and initiatives aimed at regulating the pharmaceutical sector in the European Union, adopted by the European Commission in April 2023.

Design i biznes, czyli nierozerwalne połączenie. Szkoła Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej otwiera siódmą edycję programu Total Design Management

Recruitment for the Total Design Management program at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School will run until November 19th. This is the seventh edition of the program, co-created with

Sztuczna inteligencja, nowe technologie i cyberbezpieczeństwo. Szkoła Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej rozpoczyna rekrutację na studia Executive MBA i MBA

The Warsaw University of Technology Business School has commenced recruitment for the next edition of its Executive MBA and MBA programs. Starting from the 2023/2024 semester, students will have the

Doradztwo Kariery w Praktyce – nowy program w ofercie Szkoły Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej

The Warsaw University of Technology Business School is launching the Career Advisory in Practice program in collaboration with Career Angels – an international boutique career and HR advisory firm. This

Executive MBA w Szkole Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej najlepszym polskim programem EMBA w Europie

The Executive MBA program at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School has been recognized as the best Polish Executive MBA program in Europe according to the QS EMBA Rankings.

Cyberbezpieczeństwo na pierwszym planie – Szkoła Biznesu PW uruchamia program MBA Cybersecurity Management

The Warsaw University of Technology Business School, in collaboration with the Safe Cyber Space Foundation, is launching a new MBA program. The MBA in Cybersecurity Management was created with the

Jak zarządzać niePOKOJEM i pomimo NIEpokoju?

In the era of the crisis related to Russia’s aggression on Ukraine, leaders should stand guard in their organizations today. Instead of spreading fear and anxiety, they should be bastions,

Kiepski moment dla „Polskiego Ładu”

At the beginning of the year, the government introduced the widely advertised “Polish Deal,” a program of tax reforms aimed at significantly increasing the progressiveness of taxation. Individuals with lower


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Contact for the media 🙂

Mariusz Jaroń,
t. 794 490 680, +42 307 30 35

Katarzyna Frankowska,
t. +42 307 30 35

Representatives are invited to contact the press office media, in other matters, please contact the school headquarters.