Archiwa Wykładowcy EN - Page 28 of 42 - Warsaw University of Technology Business School

Natalia Łojko

Professional experience: Natalia Łojko is a legal advisor and director of the legal department of AstraZeneca in Poland. After graduating from the law faculties of the University of Warsaw and

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Wojciech Masełbas

Professional experience: Expert in clinical trials. President of the Association for Good Practice of Clinical Trials. Lecturer at numerous courses and training on clinical trials, author of chapters in books

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Andrzej Nowak

Professional experience: An outstanding social psychologist, lecturer at the University of Florida, University of Warsaw, SWPS. Author of many books published abroad. He is interested in sports (he practices triathlon)

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Aleksandra Nowak-Gruca

Professional experience: Aleksandra Nowak-Gruca is a professor at the University of Economics in Krakow, habilitated doctor of law, economist, business trainer, psychotraumatologist, and psychotherapist in the Gestalt training process. She

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Krzysztof Obłój

Professional experience: Graduate in economics at the SGH (at that time SGPiS). In 1980 he defended his doctorate in sociology. Author of books such as: “Management, practical approach”, “Organization’s survival

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Rafał Ohme

Professional experience: Associate professor. An expert in the field of psychology of persuasion, emotions and the subconscious. Author of books and many articles in foreign and domestic specialist and popular

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