Archiwa Wykładowcy EN - Page 18 of 42 - Warsaw University of Technology Business School

Maciej Banaszak

Professional experience: Maciej Banaszak is a graduate of Management and Marketing at the Warsaw School of Economics. He studied at the Nijmegen School of Management and the Johannes Gutenberg-Universtaet in

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Marek Gliwny

Professional experience: A manager with many years of experience in an international environment in the banking industry. As a certified business trainer, he specializes in conducting development projects for managers

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Robert Patterson

Professional experience: Robert Patterson is a graduate of Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario and the University of Toronto. From Queen’s, he holds an undergraduate degree (B.Comm) in business and a

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Ilona Kalaszczyńska

Professional experience: Ilona is a graduate of the Faculty of Biology at the University of Warsaw. She completed her doctoral thesis at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School in

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Gabriela Sujkowska

Professional experience: For over 20 years Gabriela Sujkowska has been professionally associated with the public health care sector. She gained experience in crucial institutions responsible for the shape of the

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Anna Gołębicka

Professional experience: Anna Gołębicka is an economist, communication, and management strategist. She is the author of many ideas and product communication strategies. She is also an advisor to the management

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