Archiwa Webinars and videos - Page 7 of 11 - Warsaw University of Technology Business School

MBA Finance&Technology informative webinar

We invite you to the information webinar of the MBA Finance & Technology program. The MBA Finance & Technology program is addressed to people holding managerial positions in financial areas

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MBA Digital Transformation Webinar

Are you interested in taking up MBA studies? Would you like to learn more about digital transformation? Join us and become a student of the MBA Digital Transformation program at

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Jak organizować pracę szpitali w czasie pandemii i nie tylko

On 30 June we hosted an on-line meeting in Polish, ‘Jak organizować pracę szpitali w czasie pandemii i nie tylko’ on hospital work organisation. Webinar was conducted by prof. Marcin Czech and dr Piotr Pobrotyn, hailed the

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Rola przemysłu fotowoltaicznego

Watch the webinar “Rola przemysłu fotowoltaicznego w odbudowie gospodarki” in Polish, with Grzegorz Wiśniewski, President of the Institute of Renewable Energy and meritorical co-ordinator of the Energetyka odnawialna dla biznesu: technologie, ekonomia, wdrożenia, WUT BS programme. We talked about

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Trust in the Digital World

An on-line meeting with Achilles Georgiu, Program Director of MSc in Technology Management & Innovation in CEU “Trust in the Digital World,” took place on 24 June. Watch the webinar in English and find out more about

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Leadership Shift in the Shadow of Coronavirus

The epidemic has brought unprecedented challenges and ensuing changes into companies worldwide. Often executives are in trouble to navigate in the new situation. Watch the on-line meeting ‘Leadership Shift in the Shadow

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