Archiwa Webinars and videos - Page 3 of 11 - Warsaw University of Technology Business School

Smart Cities – creating liveable, sustainable, and prosperous societies – inspirational lecture with Jakub Smykowski

On 4 April, we had a pleasure to host another inspirational lectur. This time we met with Jakub Smykowski, the founder of uPark City and a graduate of the Executive

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Twin Transition in Europe: is it something for us? – Inspirational lecture with Prof. Sergio Terzi

On 3 March 2023, Prof. Sergio Terzi (Goa Institute of Management Director) conducted an on-line inspirational lecture and shared with us his thoughts on the: “Twin Transition in Europe: is it something

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Combating rising health care costs through Frugal Innovations: Numerous cases of the Indian way – Inspirational lecture with Prof. Ajit Parulekar

On 25 January, Prof. Ajit Parulekar (Goa Institute of Management Director) conducted an on-line inspirational lecture and shared with us his thoughts on the: “Combating rising health care costs through Frugal Innovations: Numerous

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Wellbeing: A different kind of investment – inspirational lecture with Dr. Matthew F. Komelski

On 14 December, Dr. Matthew F. Komelski an, (Founding Director, Adaptive Brain and Behavior Minor; Department of Human Development and Family Science; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) had inspirational lecture and shared

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Inspirational lecture with Tomas Smalakys, BMI Executive Institute

That cyber-attacks are only a concern for “big fish”, or government organizations is a myth — one that’s best left behind in 2022. Whether as direct targets or collateral damage,

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Inspirational lecture with University of Salford – Dr Kyle Cunliffe

As the world enters what pundits are calling the ‘new Cold War’, the private sector will be on the frontline of hostilities between nation-states. In the information era, businesses have

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