EFMD Accreditation for our Executive MBA Programme

Dear School Community,

We are delighted to inform you that the Executive MBA program at WUTBS has been re-awarded the prestigious EFMD accreditation (formerly EPAS). This accolade underscores our commitment to delivering top-tier business education on a global scale. This achievement would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our faculty, staff, students, and alumni. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to this success.

What is EFMD Accreditation?

EFMD is a globally recognized accrediting body for business schools. Achieving EFMD accreditation confirms adherence to international quality standards, continuous improvement, and innovation in business education.

What Does Accreditation Mean for Our Community?

High Standards – Our Executive MBA program is rigorously evaluated on all aspects, including curriculum, faculty, student services, and alumni career development, which sets high international standards.

Global Recognition – Our renewed EFMD accreditation places us among an elite group of business schools worldwide, enhancing our institution’s global reputation and the value of our degrees.

Continuous Improvement – The accreditation emphasizes the school’s ongoing commitment to continuously improving our educational offerings and updating our program to meet the evolving needs of the business world and our students.