dr inż. Tomasz Kowalak

Professional experience:

From 1978 to 1998 at the Institute of Power Engineering (IEn), Warsaw. In the years 1983-1990 head of the High Voltage Laboratory, and since 1991 scientific secretary of the Institute of Power Engineering. From 1998 to 2019 employed in the Urzędzd Regulacji Energetyki (URE): in 2000 to 2013 director of the Tariff Department, in 2013 – 2016 head of the Smart Grid Development Center, later advisor to the President of the URE in the Department of Market Development and Consumer Affairs.

Co-author of the first edition of a set of executive acts (regulations) to the Energy Law. Co-author of detailed rules for approving tariffs for electricity and gaseous fuels and regulations for agreeing to draft development plans submitted to the President of URE by network companies (transmission and distribution network operators). Since 2006, active in the area of ​​implementation of smart metering / smart grids in Poland, author of four Positions of the President of the URE (2011 – 2013), relating to functional requirements for the infrastructure of smart metering, the metering information market model and the rules of regulation for investments in smart metering.

Tomasz Kowalak is an Energy expert at Collegium Civitas, and a lecturer in tariffs and smart grids at the Warsaw School of Economics. Currently at IEO as an expert in electricity, regulations, and tariffs.

