25th Anniversary of the WUTBS

25th Anniversary of the WUTBS


In October 13, 2017, there was an official celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Warsaw University of Technology Business School, combined with the conference “Koniec transformacji? Przyszłość wolnego rynku w Polsce i na świecie ”, Inauguration of the new year and Executive MBA graduation.

Honorary Professors of the School welcomed new faculty members, prof. Yusaf Akbar (CEU Business School), prof. Andrea Masini (HEC Paris), prof. Marek Adamczewski (Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk), prof. Bartłomiej Nita (Wrocław University of Economics). Usamah Afifi, Aleksander Grzeszczak and Józef Wancer joined the group of Honorary Professors of the School.

Special distinctions “Personalities of 25 years” were also awarded during the conference. It was received by people who made a special contribution to the development of the Business School: prof. Jean-Paul Larçon (HEC Paris), prof. Rolf Brunstad (Norwegian School of Economics), prof. Alastair Nicholson (London Business School), prof. Eric Cornuel (European Foundation for Management Development), dr Zbigniew Turowski (WUT Business School), prof. Witold Orłowski (WUT Business School) and Jacek Santorski (Values).

There was also accompanied by the Jubilee Banquet, with the ceremonial speech by three voices of the directors of the Business School – Zbigniew Turowski, PhD, prof. Witold Orłowski and prof. Olaf Żylicz.


Zbigniew Turowski Graduacja Olaf Żylicz podczas 25 lecia

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Jubilee conference

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary, the conference “End of transformation? The future of the free market in Poland and in the world ”, whose guest of honor was President Aleksander Kwaśniewski.

What is the future of the free market in Poland? What are the challenges that Polish society is facing? What is the balance of social and economic changes in the country? These are just some of the questions that experts answered during the conference.

Two discussion panels took place during the event. The first of them, “What market and society have we built? The balance of the last 25 years ”, led by prof. Olaf Żylicz, director of the WUT Business School. The panelists of prof. Witold Orłowski (economist, prof. WUT Business School, rector of the Vistula Academy, main economic advisor in PWC Polska), Zofia Dzik (founder of the Humanites Foundation, member of supervisory boards of ERBUD SA, PKP CARGO SA, BRW SA) and dr Paweł Urbański (economist, president of INVEN Group, former president of PGE).

 Witold Orłowski podczas 25 lecia  Paweł Urański podczas 25 lecia

Host of the second panel, “What market do we want? What are we building? Perspective 2030 “, was prof. Witold Orłowski, and the panelists were: Bożena Gargas (president of the Institute of Industrial Design), prof. Krzysztof Jajuga (an authority in the field of finance, prof. Wrocław University of Economics) and Janusz Dziurzyński (director in the Global Business Services and IT Procter & Gamble department).

Uroczystość 25 lecia  Uroczystość 25 lecia  Uroczystość 25 lecia

“Polish transformation is a success and its effect is a strong economy and an open society” – this is the main conclusion of the event

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